Since we last posted so much has happened, but we still have so much to do and so little time. In the run up to Christmas we had to try and get prepared a little earlier. Although we had only been home for 10 weeks or so, another trip back to South Africa for Auntie Carol's wedding was required. Sending Christmas cards early, buying presents early and having the house tidied and decorated.... it didn't all happen but we did try.
We stayed in Johannesburg with my cousin Lee as a start to our holiday. Seeing as his kids Matthew and Ethan were off, we dragged them around with us to Gold Reef city, the shopping mall and in the photo, the Voortrekker Monument. Commemorating the trek of the original settlers into the African interior in the 1800's it was and interesting day of history with a few zebra, buck and Wildebeest thrown in.
To break up the drive to Durban, Lee and Mona had arranged a stop in the Drakensberg (the big mountain range in South africa). Feeling fit and energetic we tagged along to laze by the pool and on one day spent most of our time by the large open fire due to the rain. It was a great few days and what a holiday should be about - food & sun.
Next stop, the wedding of the year. Auntie Carol moved to Durban, South Africa many years ago and it is not that often we get to meet up. Twice in one year was a suprise but any excuse to flee the cold of Northern Ireland had to be taken. The wedding was a bit different to the usual Northern Ireland affair, it started at 10:30 in the morning for one thing but a great day was had by all the it was rally nice to see Auntie Carol and now Uncle Jayson (that's going to scare him !) tie the knot. Good luck to them for the future.
Durban is a coastal city. It has a replica of the Belfast city hall (not quite true but can't remember the whole story...), the beaches are very nice, the weather is very humid and if you leave your SatNav, DVD player and radio in your car overnight, it probably won't be there in the morning (Dad won't do that again !). One of the bigghest draws is Ushaka water park and aquarium. You simply can't come to South Africa and not take in some of the wildlife. Jude and I decided to hide from the children (big sisters and cousins) and watch some of the fish floating about. It is strange to see all the different varieties of creatures out there, I'm still suprised when i see some of it. Durban has a lot of Sharks and if you are ever in the area, either the Aquarium or the sharks board are a must see.
So we are back home. bags still not unpacked, not Christmas tree up, cards in a pile rather than the mantelpiece but at least we have a turkey.... must get bread for sandwiches on boxing day.... We arrived back a day late due to snow in Amsterdam closing the airport and missing our connecting flight. One night curled up on airport benches wasn't too bad but after a 13 hour flight (extended because of a need for fuel in Paris), we managed to survive OK. Jude and I are both looking forward to the time we have off over the next 2 weeks. It isn't much but we still have bags to unpack, a house to sort out and reality to get back to, 2009 has been a great year, lets hope 2010 will be just as good.