Our blog has been allowed to go along the wayside in the past year. Chris and I have been busy and 'updates' just don't really happen - sorry.
So what have we been up to?
In June we had a lovely time with friends Phil and Debs being invited to share in Deb's 30 +10 birthday party.
In June we had a lovely time with friends Phil and Debs being invited to share in Deb's 30 +10 birthday party.
It was lovely seeing them both again and the time we spent in Wales was blissful, sunny weather brilliant company and a relaxing weekend.
The Brecon Beacons
We haven't really gone anywhere this summer apart from the odd weekend to Roscommon and a recent weekend to Dublin.
With a new addition to the Bracken household arriving in the next few weeks we have been trying to get a space prepared for the little bundle to enjoy and it is taking a lot more time than expected... The walls had been painted, the woodwork primed for glossing and on Saturday evening I returned from work to find this...
Chris said the paint had 'bubbled'... but ....
Then the plaster came off

And a coat of paint, we're hopefully ready for the carpet to arrive tomorrow!

But that's all for now!