Friday, 7 August 2009

Things you learn on a plane!

The beach at Long Beach, Long Island

I've a trivia question for you...
What states in America are the furthest North, furthest West, furthest South and furthest East??? No looking on the internet!!!

Ok, while you are thinking of the answer, here's what's been happening.
We've not updated the blog for about a week... instead we've been enjoying stranger's kindness, re-visiting our old haunts in Manhattan and generally relaxing by the beach.

Interesting point on carry on pets.... what if it's a German Shepherd??

Our penultimate flight before flying home was certainly one to remember. Despite being slightly delayed leaving Chicago, we had no idea that our less than three hour flight would end up being so entertaining or so long.

I should have know there may have been problems when the 'fasten seat belt' sign had not been switched off... but I was happily listening to my iPod and didn't worry too much. Then the Captain announced that bad storms in NYC were causing some disruption and we'd hopefully miss them by the time we arrived. We didn't know that we were taking a slightly wider flight path in order to miss said storm. So when the Captain announced we'd to re-fuel in Connecticut that was interesting! (We'd been up in the air for 4 hours by this stage!)

In order to keep the passengers calm or less aggressive, the flight attendants decided to ask us some trivia questions... (hence my opening question) and although everyone was dis-interested at the beginning, when the questions were asked, they actually made people think for once, they proved really enjoyable. People were given the option to phone a friend but not to use the internet! But seriously, having to refuel and answering trivia via your call bell was certainly entertaining and something I was pleased I'd witnessed.

Anyway, by 8pm we had landed into JFK and were one of the final flights authorised to do so, but we didn't enjoy the two hour wait for our luggage. Our couch surfing (CS) hosts Barbara and Matt were extremely accommodating and had even waited to share a meal with us when we finally arrived at their home 6 hours after we had arranged to!

With Emily, Barbara, Jessie and Matt

Chris and I spent a lovely 4 days with them and their family - meeting some of their extended family too. There was an instant bond between us which was really special and it was especially lovely to spend time in a family environment. The fact we were only one block from the beach was an added bonus and certainly utilised when we weren't talking around the dining table - which was more the case. We also spent a day in NYC when we were there but it poured and wasn't what we'd hoped!

Our rainy day in Manhattan - and no brolly!

After leaving Matt and Barbara's, Chris and I headed to Staten Island to stay with our new CS hosts Rob and Lauren. In staying with them we ventured into the City while they went to work, so it was interesting taking the boat across and then the subway to wherever we fancied in the city. Mostly it was the Public Library to cool off but we also spent time in Bryant Park and had a quick wander on the periphery of Central Park - and to our bridge. My cousin Aaron and his band Bluetree were playing in Manhattan on the Friday night, so I got to catch up with him - strange seeing a family member again after 4 months! It was good seeing how well everything is going for him, although I did feel like a groupie waiting backstage to see if I could see him in the first place! "My cousin's in the band" just sounds too familiar to security guards!!!
On a whole, being in Manhatan this time wasn't as pleasant as it usually is, maybe it's the hot weather, but I think it's more that big cities aren't really as nice as I once found them. Travelling to the countries we've been to has changed the way I see places and people, sometimes for the better, sometimes not.

Aaron doing a sound check

At our bridge in Central Park

With Lauren, Steven and Rob on Staten Island

Now, Chris and I are in Ocean Grove on the New Jersey shore staying with Sheila who we met on our overland trip in Africa. It's lovely seeing her again and catching up on places we've all been on our travels - mostly we're playing snap with the countries! We are enjoying having a kitchen to cook in and the opportunity to head to the beach or just stay in and read a book. The little things in life you miss when you're travelling. Basically we're being lazy and re-charging the batteries - bliss.

Oh, answers to the question to be emailed or commented on!!! xx

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