Thursday, 18 February 2010

Goings on

Chris and I have had a busy couple of weeks since the last update. Amongst many other family birthdays, both our nieces have gotten a year older. Grier is now two and Ruby turned one. Simon and Bronwyn brought her up at the weekend and they all got to meet Willo, Ruby loves her.
Willo is filling out and is keeping us fully fit. I really do love having a dog, but it does tie you down a lot more! Chris laughs when I come home after the morning walk and tell him all about the people I've met in the park and the conversations we've had... but it opens up a whole new world or dog walking!

Willo relaxing after a walk in the park

Chris has been going through more of our 18,000 photos and was asked by a colleague and good friend to give a talk to the WI. He did this and the presentation which he prepared was really good (if I may say so myself) and it bring back a lot of memories about our travels.

Chris was asking what the high and low points of our year out was... and we could think of so many high points, but low ones... we couldn't think of any and we were so lucky to be able to say that. But when asked would we do it all again... yes and no, next time I'd bring a roller case!!!!

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