Tuesday 9 June 2009

Wat a site!

The famous spires of Angkor Wat - symbol on the Cambodian flag

The main reason for visiting Cambodia for a lot of people is to go to Siem Reap and visit The Temples of Angkor. Cambodia is full of temples of various size and status. Siem Reap (the town) is only a few Km's away from the main temples, the biggest and most impressive being Angkor Wat. this is the largest religious structure in the world and very impressive - from the Angkorian period.

Chris and I arrived at about 10:30 and the sun was already beating down. We took a long walk across the moat and into the santcum of Angkor Wat. The size of this site is amazing. The way the buildings are being preserves and the artistic creativity of the carvings are breathtaking. Not only in the site of Angkor Wat but in all the temples and buildings throughout.

Researchers concluded that Angkor had been the largest preindustrial city in the world with an urban sprawl of 3000 square kilometres and could accommodation upto one million people.

There are over 37 Temples and a visit of over a week is recommended! We managed to visit 5 before the rain made the ground muddy and the going a lot harder. The photos don't do the place justice as the size of the Temples and the steps leading throughout the site are so big and steep. It is also a perfect place for kids to play hide and seek!

Anyway, here are the photos...Our first view of Angor Wat

View across the moat to Angkor WatThe library- one of the first buildings you come to

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