Wednesday 8 April 2009

Aches, pains, colds and strains.......

Our trip takes us to some of the poorest and richest countries in the world. Dubai is certainly one of the richest. Wealth and riches can be seen all around. The city has grown very quickly in the past 5 years with huge skyscrapers and private islands, many palaces and shopping malls. We never would have imagined sitting at a Polo match during our trip or seeing the world's tallest building (not quite finished). The Burj Al Arab or the sail (in the picture) was one of the tallest, it is certainly one of the most striking. At $1300 per night - we stayed with family instead and enjoyed every moment.

(The very top)

Something else we hadn't planned on was skiing. 30 degrees outside, -3 degrees inside. Bizarre is an understatement and we were both a bit rusty but after two hours, a few falls and a couple of scary moments we were like professionals. (if you count Eddie the Eagle as a pro.)

(Jude at the middle)

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