Wednesday 1 October 2008

Sao Paulo - Arrived but only just

Long story, put short we had ticket problems, volunteered our seat but ended up in Sao Paulo at 05:30 in the morning. Eventually got our room in the hotel (6 hours early was a bit much to ask) but have had some sleep and are heading for food. We hope to update more later.


Phil said...

Hi people... I am beyond jealous. Both me and Debs wish you all the best. So, when you return in a years time you will have to invite us for a visit. I have bookmarked your blog and will follow avidly.

Lesley said...

Hee Hee Hee. I can't believe Chris arrived somewhere early! Perhaps it was the result of a sneaky watch adjustment or a speeding pilot (tut tut) or the fact that there is no M1 carparks in the sky!!

Good luck with your travels and I'll follow your Blog. We got your postcard - you both look very oldly-worldly, very apt!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lesley what do you mean you can't believe he arrived somewhere early?